Friday, December 22, 2006

Shopping Season

There's nothing better than a season that makes you crazy. What other time of the year can you be made to feel like a jerk if you don't empty your wallet and fire up that credit card? Ah yes, Christmas, the time of year when saints are made out of money, and the heroes actually got you what you wanted. -But remember it's the thought that counts, so think deeply as you decide which item to get that special someone from his or her wish list. Hey! What ever happened to that time we thought it was Jesus' Birthday? No, not Jesús... Jesus.


City Cynic said...

No… that wasn't me, must have been some cholo, or some sick-o sex offender.

Welcome to the sweat... just be sure to shower. If you drink a lot of beer and have tortillas with every meal, then you'll fit right in. :)

Thanks for listening to the show, and have a Merry Christmas.

-City Cynic

P.S. Where do you work? :P

Lans Hobart said...

Now THAT was funny! Keep it up!

City Cynic said...

Thanks Man! I've always got a lot of material in the works, it's just hard to find the time.

I did however manage to update my album art. :)

Yes sir, I'm going through a lot of changes... trying to anyway.

Thanks for listening!


No Hassle Loans said...
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